
 About Us

 Our Girls






We purchased our first Golden Retriever in 1971 as a family pet. She was of 'Yeo' pedigree and stole our hearts, since then Golden Retrievers have always been part of our family. At present we have six Golden Retriever girls of varying ages: Isla, Sophie, Lucy, Annie, Molly and Rosie. Our Affix being TILLDAWN, which all the dogs have in their Kennel Club Registered names. All our dogs live in the house and are first and foremost our pets.

However we have had plenty of success in the show ring - the most recent highlight gaining Best Puppy at Crufts 2010 with Rosie Tilldawn Blue Rose.

I am a Kennel Club Accredited Breeder, and breed occasionally. All the dogs we breed from have current Kennel Club and BVA Health Screening Certificates for Hips and Eyes. Hip scores are well below average. However temperament is first and foremost in our selection of a mate for one of the girls, as we appreciate most Golden Retrievers are bought as loving family pets.

My involvement in the breed has led to me judging at Championship show level in all parts of the UK and abroad, which gives a wonderful opportunity to assess our beautiful breed on different levels.

Ingrid Pinfield